Privacy Policy


(Milistar Co., Ltd. hereinafter referred to as the "Company") complies with the personal information protection regulations under the relevant laws and regulations that information and communication service providers must comply with, such as the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection (hereinafter referred to as the "Information and Communications Network Act"), the Personal Information Protection Act, the Communications Secrets Protection Act, and the Telecommunications Business Act, and is committed to protecting the rights and interests of users by establishing a privacy policy in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations. The Company establishes and implements the Privacy Policy to protect users' personal information and smoothly handle users' grievances related to personal information, and if the Privacy Policy is revised, it will be notified through the notice (or individual notice) on the website or mobile application (hereinafter referred to as the "Platform") provided and operated by the Company.



Article 1: Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Information

The Company shall not use your personal information beyond the scope notified in this Article except with your consent or in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations. The purpose of using the collected personal information is as follows.

1. Provide and Operate the Milistar Service

Identification of individuals within the Milistar Service, use of (personal) location information to provide location-based services, fulfillment of contracts for service provision and payment of fees for service provision, driver arrangement, content provision, delivery of goods or invoices, authentication of financial transactions and financial services, collection of fees, etc.

2. Manage Members

Provision of membership services, identification of members, identification of individuals, prevention of unauthorized use and unauthorized use by members whose use is restricted (members whose use is restricted under the Milistar Terms and Conditions), confirmation of intention to subscribe and limit the number of subscriptions, record keeping for dispute settlement, handling of complaints, including handling of complaints, delivery of notices, identification of future legal representatives, delivery of the latest information, validation of the service, identification of access frequency, and identification of statistics on service use by members.

3. Collect and use for cause investigation and handling in the event of an incident.

4. Development of new services and utilization in marketing and advertising (optional).

Develop new services and provide customized services, provide services and advertisements based on statistical characteristics, provide opportunities to participate in events or provide advertising information.



Article 2: Items of Personal Information Collected and Methods of Collection

The Company collects personal information as follows to fulfill the purpose of collecting and using personal information in Article 1.

1. Items of Personal Information Collected

Required items for membership

. General Members

a.     Member's name (or nickname), email address (username) and password, mobile phone number, device information (including model name, carrier, OS, device unique identification number, ad ID, etc.

Additional Required Items to Use the Service

a.     Information on Operation and Use

·       Payment history, (personal) location information, information related to various complaints/accidents, inquiries, call logs related to the use of the Milistar  service (such as the start and end time of the call with the driver), video and audio collected by the dashcam (voice is not collected directly by the Company, and there are cases where voice is automatically collected depending on the dashcam model, but the Company does not use and view it)

b.     Payment-related Information

·       Credit Card Payments: card issuer, card number, expiration date, date of birth, encrypted card identification, etc.

·       Direct Deposit: Bank name, account number, etc.

·       Other Payment Methods: such as account numbers for easy payments or prepayments

Optional Items

a.     When Entered by the Member

·       Profile photos, address information such as home or work, friend invitation history, account information to connect with external services you choose (such as Facebook), and other information you voluntarily provide to use the Services

b.     When Registering a Business Profile

·       Company information (name, organization), business email address

Automatically generated and collected information (in the course of using the Services or in the course of doing business)

·       IP address, date and time of visit, service usage history, cookies, access logs, bad usage history, app installation information, network location information, etc.

2. Methods of Collecting Personal Information

The Company collects personal information in the following ways.

·       Membership registration through the Platform, application for subsidiary services, and information collection

·       Collection through identity verification services

·       Use of telephone or online consultation services

·       Participation in event prize contests, delivery requests

·       Provision from partner companies

·       Automatic collection through information generation tools

·       Automatic collection during service use

·       Complaints or reports by oneself or others

Article 3: Processing and Retention Period of Personal Information

We may retain and use your personal information collected while you remain a Member.

If a user withdraws or loses membership, we will delete and destroy the collected membership information even if the user does not request otherwise. However, notwithstanding the withdrawal or disqualification of a member, the following information will be retained for a specified period of time and then deleted and destroyed for the following reasons.

1. Retention of Information by Internal Company Policy

Retention Bases

Retention items

Retention period

Disputes and troubleshooting between members

Phone number

Statute of limitations and other time limits on disputes

Restrict banned members and fraudulent members from rejoining

Phone number

Subject to time limits

2. Retention of Information as Required by Applicable Law

Retention Bases

Retention items

Retention period

The Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce Act

Display-advertising history

6 months

The Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce Act

Records about contracts or withdrawals, etc.

5 years

The Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce Act

Records of payments and supply of goods and services

5 years

The Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce Act

Records about handling consumer complaints or disputes

3 years

Communications Privacy Act

Login history

3 months



Article 4: Outsourcing the Processing of Personal Information


To improve services, the Company outsources the processing of users' personal information to other companies within the necessary scope of work as follows. In accordance with relevant laws, the company ensures that necessary measures are in place to manage personal information safely when signing outsourcing contracts. When entering into outsourcing contracts, the Company specifies in documents such as contracts that personal information should not be processed beyond the purpose of performing outsourced tasks, and outlines technical and managerial protective measures, restrictions on re-outsourcing, management and supervision of the contractor, and liabilities for damages.


The Company supervises the contractor to ensure they handle personal information securely. If there are changes in the contents of the outsourced tasks or contractors, this privacy policy will be promptly updated to reflect those changes.


The Company's personal information outsourcing agencies and the details of the outsourced tasks are as follow.

1. Entrusting the Processing of Personal Information to a Domestic Company for the Use of the Service

·       Privacy Shield Status


Outsourced Tasks

NHN Cloud

Manage infrastructure for service delivery and analytics

Toss Payments Co., Ltd

Payment and collection of expenses and reimbursements, financial transaction identity verification and financial services


2. Entrusting Overseas Companies to Process Personal Information for the Use of the Service

·       Outsourcing of Personal Information Processing


Outsourced Tasks


Manage infrastructure for service delivery and analytics


Payment and collection of expenses and reimbursements, financial transaction identity verification and financial services



Article 5: Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

The Company processes the user's personal information within the scope notified in the purpose of collecting and using personal information in Article 1, and does not use it beyond the scope of consent or disclose the user's personal information to the outside without the user's prior consent. However, the following cases are exceptions.


·       The user has given prior consent to the third-party provision

·       Necessary to settle charges for the provision of services

·       When requested by investigative and supervisory authorities in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations or in accordance with the procedures and methods prescribed by laws and regulations for the purpose of investigation and investigation

·       Processed in an unrecognizable form for statistical purposes, academic research, or market research

In other cases where it is necessary to provide personal information to a third party for the purpose of providing better services, the Company will seek the user's consent in advance by specifying the person to whom the personal information is provided, the purpose of using the personal information, the items of personal information to be provided, the period of retention and use of personal information by the person to whom the personal information is provided, the fact that the user has the right to refuse consent to the provision of information, and the disadvantages of refusing consent.

We limit the personal information you provide to our affiliated services to that which is strictly necessary to provide the service, such as your name and profile picture. We will inform you of the personal information provided for each service at the time of consent. The contents of the personal information provided may be added or changed while providing the service, and if the personal information required to use the affiliated service is changed, additional consent will be obtained when using the service.

However, the third party to whom the personal information is provided may retain and use the personal information until the purpose of the provision is achieved or the member requests withdrawal, even if the information is necessary for internal reporting, audit and inspection, contract performance such as cost settlement (billing), and preparation for disputes, and if there are special provisions in relevant laws such as the Commercial Code, it may be retained accordingly.

1. Providing Personal Information to Third Parties

·       Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties

Recipient's Purpose of Use


Provided Items

Recipient's Retention and Use Period

Provide taxi hailing and ride brokerage services, mutual identification between users and drivers

Milistar Member mutual sharing (member using the service - driver)

Name, personal location information

Destroyed after achieving the purpose of use

However, a third party to whom personal information has been provided may retain and use personal information necessary for the fulfillment of contracts and preparation for disputes, such as internal reporting, audit and inspection, cost settlement (billing), etc. until six months after the termination of the transaction, or until the completion of performance and resolution of disputes if non-performance or disputes continue, and may retain and use personal information in accordance with special provisions in relevant laws such as the Commercial Act.

2. Refusal of Consent

Users have the right to refuse consent to the provision of their personal information as described above. However, if you refuse to provide the minimum amount of personal information necessary to provide the Service, you may be unable to conclude, maintain, fulfill, and manage contracts for the provision of the Service, or there may be disadvantages such as delays in handling incidents.



Article 6: Notification of the Right to Refuse Consent and Disadvantages of Refusal

Users have the right to refuse consent for the collection and use of personal information. However, if they refuse consent for the minimum necessary collection and use of personal information required for service use, contract conclusion, and performance, there may be disadvantages such as inability to use the service or delays in processing tasks.

Furthermore, if users refuse consent for the collection and use of personal information for marketing activities and promotions, or for optional collection and use, there may be disadvantages such as not receiving information about events or benefits, inability to receive giveaways or promotional items, inability to use partnership services, apply for discounts, or accumulate points.

In addition to the consent provided herein, the company may collect and use personal information or provide it to third parties according to the user's separate consent.



Article 7: Rights, Obligations, and Methods of Exercising Rights of Users and Legal Representatives

Users can view or modify their registered personal information at any time, and if they disagree with the Company's processing of their personal information, they can refuse consent or request to cancel their membership (withdrawal). However, if you change your name, profile picture, etc. in your personal information, or information that needs to be verified for the operation of the service, such as the history of receivables, you may be restricted from using the service until the company's approval is obtained.

To view and modify your personal information, click "Change Personal Information" (or "Modify Membership Information," etc.), and to cancel your membership (withdraw consent), click "Withdraw Membership." You can view, modify, or withdraw directly after going through the identity verification process by clicking each click. Or contact the person in charge of personal information management in writing or by email, and we will take action without delay.

If you request the correction of errors in your personal information, the Company will not use or provide such personal information to third parties until the correction is completed. In addition, if incorrect personal information has already been provided to a third party, the Company will notify the third party without delay of the results of the correction process so that the correction can be made.

The Company shall process personal information that has been terminated or deleted at the request of the user as specified in Article 3, Personal Information Processing and Retention Period, and shall not allow the user to view or use it for any other purpose.

In principle, we do not collect personal information of children under the age of 14 whose legal representative's consent is required for the collection and use of personal information.



Article 8: Installation, Operation, and Refusal of Automatic Personal Information Collection Devices

1. Cookies

What are Cookies?

In order to provide you with personalized and customized services, we use "cookies" to store and retrieve your information from time to time. A cookie is a very small text file sent to the member's browser by the server used to operate the website and stored on the member's computer's hard disk. On subsequent visits to the Website, the Website server reads the contents of the cookie stored on the Member's hard disk to maintain the Member's preferences and provide personalized service. Cookies do not automatically or actively collect personally identifiable information, and you can refuse to have these cookies stored or delete them at any time.

Purpose of the Company's Use of Cookies

When you visit Milistar's PC or mobile website, we use information from cookies to help you access and use the website as you have set up, and to provide you with customized information, such as optimized advertisements based on your visit to the website and your usage patterns. To provide targeted marketing and personalized services by analyzing the frequency and duration of access by members and non-members, identifying users' tastes and interests, tracking their traces, and understanding their participation in various events and the number of visits.

Installation, Operation and Refusal of Cookies

Users have the option to set cookie preferences. Therefore, users can allow all cookies by setting options in their web browser, go through confirmation whenever a cookie is saved, or refuse the storage of all cookies. The methods for setting cookies are as follows.



Internet Explorer

Tools at the top of the web browser > Internet Options > Privacy > Setting

Chrome-based (Chrome, Edge, etc.) Browsers

Settings & More at the top of the web browser > Settings > Cookies & Site Permissions

Refusing to store cookies may result in inconvenience in using the website or certain services, in which case the Company shall not be liable.

2. Online Personalized Advertising Service

Collecting Advertising Identifiers when Using Mobile Apps

The Company may collect your ADID/IDFA. ADID/IDFA is a mobile app user's advertising identification value, which may be collected to provide personalized services or measurements to provide a better experience. You can opt out of ADID/IDFA collection as follows.

Operating System



Settings → Google → Ads → Uncheck Personalize ads


Settings → Privacy → Ads → Limit Ad Tracking

Online Personalized Advertising Services

The Company allows online personalized advertising providers to collect ad identifiers and behavioral information as follows.

·       Advertising providers that collect and process behavioral information: Google, Facebook, Appsflyer, Branch

·       How we collect behavioral information: Automatically collected and transmitted when you launch our apps



Article 9: Protective Measures for Personal Information and Personal Location Information

In handling your personal information, the Company takes the following technical and administrative measures to ensure the safety of your personal information so that it is not lost, stolen, leaked, altered or damaged.

1. Encryption of Personal Information

The Company encrypts personal information according to relevant legal regulations or internal policies to securely store and manage it.

2. Measures Against Hacking, etc.

The Company is committed to protecting your personal information from being leaked or compromised by hacking, computer viruses, etc.

The Company backs up the data every day to prevent damage to personal information, use the latest security patches and firewalls to prevent leakage or damage to members' personal information or data, and securely transmit personal information on the network through encrypted communication.

The Company uses intrusion prevention systems to control unauthorized access from the outside, and we strive to have all other technical measures in place to ensure systemic security.

3. Minimization and Training of Processing Staff

The Company's personal information processing staff is limited to those in charge, and a separate password is assigned to them and updated regularly, and compliance with the Privacy Policy is always emphasized through frequent training for the staff.

4. Operation of a Dedicated Privacy Protection Organization

Through an internal dedicated privacy protection organization, the company monitors compliance with the privacy policy and ensures that corrective actions are taken promptly if any issues are discovered.

The Company also applies the following measures to protect personal location information.

Administrative actions

·       Designation and operation of a geolocation officer

·       Specify who has access and limit permissions at each stage of the collection, use, provision, and destruction of location information.

·       Have handling and management procedures and guidelines in place that define the duties and responsibilities of location data handlers

·       Operation and management of a handling ledger that records the fact of providing location information

·       Conduct regular self-checks of your privacy measures

Technical measures

·       Identify and authenticate access to location information and geolocation systems to ensure authorization to access them

·       Measures such as installing a firewall to block unauthorized access to the geolocation system.

·       Operation of electronic and automated recording and archiving of access to location information systems

·       Application of encryption technology or equivalent measures to securely store and transmit location data

·       Other technical measures necessary to protect location data

Obligation to collect, use, and automatically record and preserve location information and verification data

·       Measures to automatically record and store the date, method of collection, purpose of collection (requested contents), date and history of provision, and purpose of use of location information in the location information system

·       Technical measures to ensure that automatically recorded and archived data is not leaked, altered, or compromised

However, the Company shall not be liable for any problems caused by the leakage of personal information such as ID, password, etc. due to the Member's own negligence or Internet problems.


Article 10: Procedures and Methods for Destroying Personal Information and Personal Location Information

In principle, personal information and personal location information of Members are destroyed without delay when the purpose of collecting and using personal information and personal location information is achieved. The Company's procedures and methods for destroying personal information and personal location information are as follows.

1. Destruction Procedures

The information entered by the user for membership, etc. is transferred to a separate database (for paper, separate filing cabinet) after the purpose is fulfilled and stored for a certain period of time (see Retention and Use Period) in accordance with the internal policy and other relevant laws for information protection reasons, and then destroyed.

The personal information and personal location information will not be used for any purpose other than the purpose for which it was collected and used unless required by law.

2. Destruction Methods

Personal information and personal location information printed on paper will be destroyed by shredding or incineration, and personal information and personal location information stored in electronic files will be deleted using technical that prevent the records from being restored. 



Article 11: Personal Information Manager and Location Information Manager

Personal information-related complaints and location information-related complaints arising from your use of the Company's services can be reported to the person in charge of personal location information management below. The Company will provide a prompt and sufficient response to your report.

1. Chief Privacy Officer (and Data Protection Officer)



Job title

Phone number

Email address

Myungsoo Kim




2. Privacy Authorities Information

If you need to report or consult about other privacy violations, please contact the following organizations.

·       Personal Information Infringement Report Center (개인정보침해신고센터/ / 118 without area code)

·       Cybercrime Prosecution Service (대검찰청 사이버수사과/ / 1301 without area code)

·       Korean National Police Agency Cyber Bureau (경찰청 사이버수사국/ / 182 without area code)



Article 12: Processing of Personal Location Information

The Company processes and retains personal location information as follows.

·       Processing and Retention of Personal Location Information

Processing Item

Processing Purpose

Retention Period

User's (Passenger's) mobile phone location information (GPS, Wi-Fi, carrier base station information), travel route, service usage logs

Dispatch and allocation, fare calculation and processing, providing Milistar platform services, providing various promotions like coupons, analyzing service usage and improving services, various notifications and communications, handling complaints

Dispatch and allocation, fare calculation and processing, providing Milistar platform services, providing various promotions like coupons, analyzing service usage and improving services, various notifications and communications, handling complaints

User (Driver) location information (vehicle GPS information)

For 1 year from the end of the transaction relationship (However, if the purpose of use is achieved before this period, it will be destroyed immediately, and if a legal retention period expires after this period or if a dispute persists, it will be retained until the end of that period)

For 1 year from the end of the transaction relationship (However, if the purpose of use is achieved before this period, it will be destroyed immediately, and if a legal retention period expires after this period or if a dispute persists, it will be retained until the end of that period)



When the Company uses the user's personal location information, the Company shall immediately destroy the personal location information, other than the confirmation data of the fact of providing the location information, which must be preserved in accordance with Article 16, Paragraph 2 of the Location Information Act, when the purpose of collecting, using, or providing the personal location information is achieved in accordance with Article 23 of the Location Information Act.


The Company provides personal location information of users to third parties with the consent of the information subject as follows.


·       Disclosure of Personal Location Information to Third Parties

Information Disclosed

Third Party Recipients

Retention and Use Period by Third Parties

Personal location information of users (passengers) (mobile phone location information - GPS, Wi-Fi, carrier base station information)

User (individual driver) and partner transportation company

From the time the user (passenger) is called to the time you decide whether or not to board.

Location information (vehicle GPS information) of the user's (private driver) drivers

Users (passengers) who board the vehicle through the Milistar platform.

From the time the user (passenger) booked (requested) the ride to the time the user (passenger) gets off the ride.

If the Company provides personal location information to a third party designated by the user, the Company shall immediately notify the user of the recipient, date, time, and purpose of the provision each time through the communication device that collected the personal location information.

However, in the following cases, we will notify you via a communication terminal device or e-mail address specified by you in advance.

·       The communication device that collected the personal location information is not equipped to receive text, voice, or video.

·       The user has requested in advance that you notify them by, for example, posting online.

The person responsible for the protection of the following users (hereinafter referred to as "children under 8 years of age") may consent to the Company's use or provision of personal location information of children under 8 years of age for the protection of their life or body.

·       Individuals with mental disabilities under the provision of Article 2, Paragraph 2, Clause 2 of the Act on Welfare of Persons with Disabilities, who correspond to severe disabilities under the provision of Article 2, Paragraph 2, Clause 2 of the Act on Promotion of Employment of Persons with Disabilities and Vocational Rehabilitation (limited to those registered as disabled persons under Article 32 of the Act on Welfare of Persons with Disabilities)

The method of consent by the guardian is by stating the following items in the written consent form and attaching a written/electronic document (including a seal, signature, or electronic signature of the guardian) certifying that the person is a guardian, such as a child under the age of 8, and submitting it to the Company.

[Describe the Written Consent].

1.     Full name, address, and date of birth, including for children 8 and under

2.     Name, address, and contact information for the duty holder

3.     That the purpose of collecting, using, or providing the personal location information is limited to protecting life or limb, such as a child under the age of 8

4.     Date of Consent

The Company automatically records the confirmation of the fact of collecting, using, and providing location information in the system based on Article 16, Paragraph 2 of the Location Information Act, and preserves it for six months from the time of recording.



Article 13: Miscellaneous

Please be aware that this Privacy Policy does not cover the privacy practices of websites linked to from within the Milistar Service.



Article 14: Amendments and Notices to the Privacy Policy

If this Privacy Policy is revised, we will notify you through the Company's homepage, notices within the Service, or other easy-to-understand methods. However, if there are significant changes to member rights, such as the collection and use of personal information, provision to third parties, etc.

·       Revision Date: May 17, 2024

·       Date of Enactment: May 17, 2024