Milistar Terms and Conditions


Article 1: Purpose


The Terms and Conditions is intended to govern the rights, obligations, responsibilities, and other necessary matters between Milistar Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") and its Members regarding the use of the Milistar Service provided by the Company.



Article 2: Definitions


The definitions of the terms used in this Terms and Conditions are as follows.


1. "Member" means a person who agrees to these Terms and Conditions and related terms and conditions necessary for the provision of the Service and joins as a Member of the Company in order to use the Milistar Service provided by the Company.

2. "Rental Car Operator" means a business operator who rents out rental cars for long-term, medium-term, or short-term rental services, and provides services to Members using key agreement information, insurance conditions, payment information confirmation, and payment methods through the Company's platform (hereinafter referred to as "rental car operator").

3. "Matching" means that when a Member enters the starting point and destination on the Platform, selects a payment method including points, etc. and requests to use the Service through the "Call a Car" and "Reserve a Car" buttons (hereinafter referred to as "Request to Use"), and the Rental Car Operator accepts the request through the Platform at the time of the request, a service agreement between the Member and the Rental Car Operator is concluded, respectively.

4. "Platform" means the Milistar application developed by the Company to provide Milistar Services to Members.

5. "Milistar Service" or "Service" refers to an IT-based paid service that brokers rental agreements between Members and rental car operators so that Members can call or reserve vehicles of rental car operators such as Carry and use them, and enables automatic payment of rental payments and service brokerage fees owed to rental car operators, and includes all related ancillary services.

6. "Points" means that the rental fee is automatically paid without a separate authentication process whenever the use of the service is terminated or the reservation for the use of the service is confirmed according to the charging service based on the information entered at the time after the Member signs up as a Member of the company.

7. "Usage Fee" or "Rental Fee" collectively means the cost of the Member's reservation or call to travel in a rental carrier's means of transportation, such as a carriage, and the service brokerage fee and other fees paid to the Company.

8. "Real-time hailing product" means hailing a vehicle in real-time on the Platform to take you to your desired destination.

9. "Reservation Product" is a service that allows you to reserve a vehicle operating on the Milistar platform, and consists of "Call Reservation" products that allow you to reserve a vehicle by specifying a travel section and "General Reservation" products that allow you to reserve a vehicle for a specific time.

10. "Giro Payment Agent Service" is a service for paying utility bills, which consists of a service that allows customers to pay their Giro utility bills online after redeeming points and applying for payment agent in the manner required by the company.


Any terms not defined in this Article shall be governed by other provisions of these Terms, applicable laws and regulations, and general (commercial) customs.



Article 3: Effectiveness and Amendment of the Agreement


These Terms and Conditions shall take effect for all Members who wish to use the Milistar service.


The Company shall post the contents of these Terms and Conditions on the Platform screen or notify Members in other appropriate ways, such as pop-ups on the Company's homepage, so that Members can easily understand the contents of these Terms and Conditions.


The Company may amend these Terms and Conditions to the extent that it does not violate the relevant laws and regulations, such as the Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions and the Act on the Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection (hereinafter referred to as the "Information and Communications Network Act"). If the Company revises the Terms and Conditions without the express consent of the Member, the Company shall notify or inform the Member of the revised Terms and Conditions without delay by emailing the revised Terms and Conditions together with the current Terms and Conditions or by the same method as in Clause 2, 7 days prior to the effective date of the revised Terms and Conditions. However, changes in the content of the Terms and Conditions that are significant with respect to the rights or obligations of the Member shall be notified 30 days prior to the date on which the revised Terms and Conditions are to be applied. However, individual notification shall be deemed to have been made by making the notice in Clause 2 only in cases where individual notification is difficult due to the Member's lack of contact information or failure to modify the information after the change.


Upon announcing or notifying the Members of the revised Terms and Conditions in accordance with Clause 3, if a Member does not express their refusal to accept the amended Terms and Conditions until the effective date of the amendment, it shall be deemed that the Member has agreed to the amended Terms and Conditions, even if the notice or notification states that the Member's silence implies consent to the amended Terms and Conditions.


If a Member does not agree to the application of the revised Terms and Conditions, the Company shall not apply the contents of the revised Terms and Conditions, in which case the Company or the Member may terminate the Use Agreement.



Article 4: Non-Terms and Conditions

The Company may establish and operate Individual Terms and Conditions usage policies for matters applicable to specific services as necessary, and notify such matters through the platform or homepage.


Matters not stipulated in these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by applicable laws or Individual Terms and Conditions (such as service fees, etc. hereinafter referred to as "Individual Terms and Conditions") presented through Individual Terms and Conditions, use policies, and service use screens.


In the event of any conflict between these Terms and Conditions and Individual Terms and Conditions or Policies, unless otherwise specified in these Terms and Conditions, the provisions of the Individual Terms and Conditions or terms shall prevail.


Members are responsible for reviewing the contents of Individual Terms and Conditions or terms when using the service. Any damages incurred due to failure to review shall generally be the responsibility of the Member; however, the Company shall be liable only to the extent that the company is responsible.



Article 5: Notification to Members

When the Company notifies an individual Member, unless otherwise specified in these Terms and Conditions, the Company may notify them by appropriate means, such as the mobile phone number and SMS provided by the Member, notification window when logging in, etc.


In the case of notifying all Members, the Company may post the notification within the Milistar Service for more than 7 days instead of the notification method specified in Clause 1. However, for matters that significantly affect the Member's transactions, notification shall be given accordance with Clause 1.


If it is difficult to provide individual notification according to the provisions of the preceding clause due to a Member's failure to provide contact information or failure to update it after modification, the Company shall be deemed to have provided individual notification by posting as specified in the main text of the preceding clause.



Article 6: Formation of the Membership Agreement


Those who wish to become members of this service shall apply for membership by completing the agreement process for this Agreement and separate "Consent for Personal Information Collection," "Consent for Personal Information Third-Party Provision," "Location-Based Service Terms and Conditions," and "Electronic Financial Transactions Terms and Conditions," and the Company approves such application (hereinafter referred to as the "Membership Agreement").


The Company shall, in principle, approve the application for Membership pursuant to the preceding clause. However, in the following cases, the Company may not approve the Membership application or may terminate the Membership agreement afterward.


1. In case the Member has lost membership status or had Membership terminated due to violation of these Terms and Conditions.  

2. In case a Member who has been suspended due to their own fault terminates the usage agreement during the suspension period and reapplies.

3. In case it is confirmed that the membership application is in violation of these Terms and Conditions or is illegal or unreasonable under social regulations.

4. In the case of false information, failure to fill in the contents presented by the Company, or errors, etc.

5. In the case of a person with limited capacity under the law, such as a minor.

6. In the case of an application by a person who cannot be accepted due to reasons attributable to the applicant or who violates other matters prescribed by the Company.


In applying for use pursuant to Clause 1, the Company may request verification of real name or authentication of identity through a professional organization, etc.


The Company may withhold acceptance of an application for use if there is insufficient service-related facilities, or if there are technical or business problems.

If the Company does not approve or reserves approval of an application for use pursuant to this Article, the Company shall, in principle, notify the applicant if there is no unavoidable reason.



Section 7: Termination, Cancellation, and Other Provisions of the Membership Agreement

Members may apply for termination of the membership agreement at any time, and the Company must process it in accordance with the relevant laws. However, if there are outstanding dues, the termination request is only possible after the settlement of the outstanding balance.

Upon termination of the Membership Agreement by the member, the Company shall delete all member information immediately, except for cases where the Company is required to retain personal information in accordance with the relevant laws, the Privacy Policy, or internal management plans established pursuant to personal information protection regulations.

Members are responsible for any disadvantages arising from the termination of the Membership Agreement, and the Company may revoke any additional complimentary benefits provided to the member.

The Company may terminate the Membership Agreement in any of the following cases.

1. If the Member engages in or attempts to engage in acts that disrupt the smooth operation of the service.
2. If the Member deliberately obstructs the Company's business.
3. If the Member assaults or injures the rental car operator (driver).
4. If the Member infringes upon the rights, honor, credit, or other legitimate interests of the Company, other members, or violates laws, public morals, or social order.
5. If the Member obtains acquires or uses benefits such as coupons using methods not recognized by the Company or by illegitimately using another person's ID.
6. If it is confirmed that the member deliberately engages in payment errors or attempts to evade normal payments.
7. If it is confirmed after the fact that the Member has a reason for refusal to accept the use agreement stipulated
in Article 6 of the establishment of the Membership Agreement.
8. If the Member has committed an act that violates these Terms and Conditions.
9. If the Member's behavior is contrary to laws and regulations, agreements with rental car companies or other company partners entered into through the Company or the service, or social norms, and the Member has lost trust to the extent that the Membership agreement can no longer be maintained.


In the event of termination of the Membership Agreement by the Company, the Company shall notify the member of the reason for termination and its intention to terminate. In this case, the Company shall provide the Member a reasonable period of time to appeal before terminating the Membership Agreement.


If the Membership Agreement is terminated by the Company, the Company may refuse to accept the Member's application for reuse.

Damages caused by the termination of the Membership Agreement due to reasons attributable to the Member shall be borne by the Member, and the Company shall not be liable unless otherwise stipulated in relevant laws and regulations.



Article 8: Content of Services

The contents of the services provided by the Company are as follows.

1. Location-based Service: A service to share mutual location information between Carry and the Member using the Member's location information and to provide the Member's location information to the Affiliate.
2. Rental Car Operator (Franchise) Brokerage Service: Service that mediates and arranges for the use of transportation vehicles of rental car operators upon member request.

The Company may develop and provide additional services to Members in addition to the services described in each of the subclauses of Clause 1.

Use of the services and platform provided by the Company is free of charge. However, Members are obligated to pay usage fees when using transportation vehicles of rental car operators through services provided by the Company.

The Company acts as an intermediary for the conclusion of rental agreements between Members and Rental Car Operators and collects payments on their behalf. The Company does not engage in car rental, driver dispatch, or transportation on its own.



Article 9: Establishment and Termination of Service Usage Agreement

Before using the service, the Member must confirm that the vehicle and driver are matched according to the Member's request before using the service, and if the Member uses the service without confirming this, there may be restrictions on operation and refund.

The Member acknowledge and agree that the following matters are important and essential for service use, and they will fulfill their responsibilities and obligations for the smooth operation of the service.

1. Members can call rental car operators through the platform and get matched cars accordingly. Here, the cars can be selected as medium, large, van, etc.

2. The fare is calculated based on the method notified in the Company's separate policy (such as the basic fare, usage fees notified in advance depending on real-time and reservation calls, flexible fare system applied temporarily to real-time and reservation calls during peak demand periods, location-based differential fare system, etc.). If the basic fare does not apply, it will be notified to the member when making real-time and reservation calls. The basic fare and fare calculation method will be announced on the platform or website.

3. As described in Article 15, the fare is automatically charged upon arrival at the destination in principle. However, if additional charges are required for transportation beyond the scope of the reservation, the additional charges will be paid after arrival at the destination. If automatic payment is not appropriate or not possible, payment will be made after separate consultation.

4. If tolls, parking fees, or other expenses are incurred due to the operation at the Member's instruction, the payment will be processed after notifying the Member, and if there are no justifiable objections from the Member, it will be charged. 



Article 10: Cancellation of Service Agreements, etc.

If a Member cancels a real-time call product agreement, cancellation fees will be charged as follows.

1. Non-boarding Fee after Arrival: If the Member fails to board within the designated time after the vehicle arrives at the departure point, a non-boarding fee will be charged within a specified time. The non-boarding fee varies depending on the product and is provided on the platform at the time of the call and can also be confirmed in the help section of the platform. 

2. Cancellation Fee after Matching: A cancellation fee will be charged if you cancel within the specified time after matching. Cancellation fee varies depending on the product and is displayed on the platform at the time of request and can be found in the in-platform help. However, if the vehicle arrival time is more than a certain number of hours later than the time indicated at the time of hailing, you will not be charged a cancellation fee. You can check the time for which you will not be charged a cancellation fee in the help.

3. For real-time call products, if the member cancels the agreement by not boarding within the specified time or by not boarding due to personal reasons without prior notice, the pre-notified cancellation fee will be charged to the member.

If the Member cancels the agreement of the reserved product, a cancellation fee will be charged as follows.

1. For vehicle reservation products, a cancellation fee will be charged depending on whether a driver is assigned and the time of cancellation. However, if the reserved product is not suitable for the purpose of the reservation, the Company shall apply the price of the product suitable for the purpose of the reservation and proceed with additional charges or re-payment for the difference.

2. If the Company cancels the agreement due to circumstances on the Company's part, such as unauthorized delay, compensation will be made to the Member as shown in the table below, depending on the circumstances. Compensation may be paid in a means determined by the Company, such as Points equivalent to the amount of compensation.


Section 11: Provision and Interruption of Services


The Company shall provide the Service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.


The Company may conduct regular inspections as necessary for the provision of the Service, and the time of regular inspection shall be as announced on the service provision screen of the Platform.


The Company may change the contents of the Service or terminate the Service if normal business activities become difficult, such as the commencement of bankruptcy or rehabilitation proceedings, or if necessary for the Company's business. In this case, the Company may announce or notify the change or termination of the Service contents in accordance with the method prescribed in Article 5, Notification to Members.


The Company may suspend or restrict the provision of all or part of the Service in any of the following cases:


1. If a natural disaster, war, riot, fire, strike or other labor disputes, government control, terrorism, hacking, DDOS, or other reasons beyond the company's reasonable control occur or are likely to occur.
2. If telecommunications services are not provided by the telecommunications business operator.
3. If there are reasons such as failure, regular inspection, maintenance inspection, replacement or malfunction of service facilities, or interruption of communication.
4. If the service is provided through a partnership with a third party, and it is changed or discontinued according to the circumstances of the partner.
5. If other reasons arise that significantly hinder the smooth operation of the service.

If the contents of the Service are changed or discontinued due to the reasons in Clauses 3 and 4 of this Article, the Company shall not compensate the Member for any damages suffered by the Member as a result, unless there is intentional or gross negligence.


The Company shall use its best efforts to resume the Service as soon as possible in the event of any of the reasons mentioned above in this Article.



Article 12: Service Changes


① The Company may change all or part of the services it provides for operational or technical needs if there is a substantial reason. However, if the changes are significant or disadvantageous to the Member, the Company shall notify the Member to whom the Service is provided in the manner prescribed in Article 5 regarding notifications to members.


The Company may stop providing the Service or terminate the Member Use Agreement for a Member who refuses to consent to the change of the Service pursuant to the preceding clause. In this case, the Member also has the right to terminate the Membership Agreement.



Article 13: Restriction of Service Use for Members, etc.

① The Company may restrict or suspend the provision of the Service to the Member in any of the following cases.

1. If the Member interferes with the normal operation of the service.
2. If the Member uses the name of another person to register for Membership.
3. If the Member fails to pay the usage fee or uses illegal methods such as payment theft in the name of another person or phone number theft to pay the usage fee.
4. If the Member violates the relevant laws and regulations, such as interfering with the provision and operation of illegal programs, illegal communication and hacking in violation of the Information and Communication Network Act, distribution of malicious programs, excessive access rights, etc.
5. If the Member engages in any of the acts listed in the reasons for termination set forth in Clause 4 of
Article 7, such as cancellation or termination of the Membership agreement, in addition to items 1 through 4 above.
6. If the Member repeats the acts prohibited by Article 20, Prohibited Acts of Members, or otherwise violates the obligations set forth in these Terms and Conditions.

If the use of the Service is restricted pursuant to Clause 1 of this Article, all benefits obtained by the Member and rights held by the Member shall be extinguished, and the Company shall not compensate the Member separately.

The Company may terminate Membership or suspend Membership for one year by notifying the Member whose use of the Service has been restricted or suspended pursuant to Clause 1 of this Article.

If the Company restricts or suspends the use of the Service in accordance with this Article, the Company shall notify or announce it to the Member in advance. However, if it is unavoidable, it may be notified or announced afterward.



Article 14: Service Fees, etc.


The Milistar service fee consists of the transportation fee for booking, hailing, and using a taxi, the service brokerage fee paid to the company, and other expenses.


The Company will post the estimated fare on the service request page or notify the Member separately when the reservation is completed. However, the final fare may differ from the estimated fare depending on the type of service, time of call, area of operation, actual route, stopover, time of operation, etc.


If a rental car provider arrives at the designated departure point and informs the member of their arrival, but the member fails to board within a certain period without prior notice or cancels the reservation, the company may charge the cancellation, non-boarding fee specified on the service page.


The Company may notify and charge a certain amount of surcharge on any fare depending on the time and place of the Member's reservation request, the supply status of the rental car provider, etc. on the service page or at the time of reservation.

The Member's use of the Service will be suspended until all the Member's debts to the Company, including unpaid expenses and damages incurred in connection with the Service, are settled, and the Member's Membership may be revoked if the debts remain unpaid for a certain period of time. The criteria for suspension or termination of Membership will be based on the Company's Terms and Conditions and Acceptable Use Policy.

If the Member fails to comply with these Terms and Conditions and each clause herein, the Company shall have the right to terminate the Agreement in addition to charging various fees including the amount of damages in accordance with these Terms and the Use Policy.

The Company may take legal action against the Member to recover debts, such as unpaid expenses and damages incurred in connection with the Service, if the Member's debts to the Company are not settled, such as conservation disposition, filing a lawsuit, or initiating enforcement proceedings.



Article 15: Use of Automatic Payments

The Company provides automatic payment for the convenience of Members' use of the Service.

Members who agree to use automatic payments are deemed to have expressed their intention to make payments for transportation charges and brokerage fees to the Company without a separate authorization process.

If the payment fails due to the validity, limit, etc. of the Member's credit card at the time of payment, it will be treated as a receivable, and the Member will be restricted from using the service until the receivable payment is properly settled.

If the payment of the transportation fee fails due to exceeding the limit set by the card company, payment system failure, or other reasons, and receivables for all or part of the transportation fee arise due to other reasons, the Company may attempt to automatically pay the payment method registered by the Member in accordance with its internal policies, without separately notifying the member of the attempt.



Section 16: Coupons and Points

The Company may sell coupons or points that entitle Members to a fixed amount or percentage off their bill, for a fee, or give them away for free, depending on the Company's service policy.

Points are a unit of service usage, with one Point having the same value as $1 (USD) in cash.

The granting and use of coupons and Points shall be in accordance with the Company's usage policy, which shall be notified to Members through the platform or homepage.

Coupons and Points can be redeemed within the stated redemption period.

The minimum unit of Points that can be used is 1 Point, and when redeeming points, you must use the entire amount of Points you have, not to exceed the usage fee. However, you can only use points for items that are paid together with the usage fee (tolls, parking fees, etc.) and cannot be used to pay for cancellation fees, business losses, etc. that occur due to the Member's fault.

Members may not lend, transfer, sell, or otherwise use coupons to others, except to use the service functions provided by the Platform.

The Company may search the Member's coupon and point information at any time, and if the Member's performance is incorrect, the Company may arbitrarily correct it. In addition, if the Member violates or abuses any regulations such as these Terms and Conditions and the Use Policy, or accumulates coupons and points in an unfair manner, the Company may suspend the Member's use of the Service, and may cancel the Member's coupons and Points that have been accumulated unfairly.

Paid coupons are subject to the commercial statute of limitations if they are not redeemed or refunded within 5 years from the date of purchase.

Unused free coupons will be deleted and cannot be used if the Member withdraws from Milistar or terminates the service agreement. In addition, deleted free coupons will not be restored even if the Member rejoins the service. However, if the Member requests a refund for unused paid coupons due to withdrawal from Milistar or termination of the service agreement, the Company will refund the paid coupons.



Article 17: Provision of Information and Placement of Advertisements

The Company may provide various information deemed necessary by the Member during the use of the Service to the Member by means of notices in the Service or on the Service screen, messages, e-mail, etc.

The Company may place advertisements on the Service screens, etc., in connection with the operation of the Service.



Article 18: Other Obligations of the Company

The Company shall not engage in any act prohibited by applicable laws and these Terms and Conditions or any act contrary to public order and morals, and shall do its best to provide the Service continuously and stably.

The Company shall disclose and comply with the Privacy Policy so that Members can use the Service safely.

The Company shall handle opinions or complaints raised by Members in connection with the use of the Service if it recognizes that they are justified. For opinions or complaints raised by Members, the Company shall use bulletin boards or deliver the process and results to Members through e-mail, etc.

If any damage is caused to the Member due to the service provided by the Company, the Company shall be liable only if such damage is caused by the intention or negligence of the Company.

The Company complies with laws and regulations related to the operation and maintenance of the Service, such as the Information and Communications Network Act, the Communications Secrets Protection Act, and the Telecommunications Business Act.



Article 19: Other Obligations of Members

The Member must check the service conditions (origin, destination, stopover, estimated fare, options for the called vehicle, surcharges, etc. The Member shall be responsible for any loss or damage caused by making a request for use without checking the service conditions.

The Member shall comply with these Terms and Conditions and any notices provided by the Company in connection with the Service, and shall be liable for any loss or damage arising from violation or failure to fulfill the Terms and Conditions and notices. The information entered by the Member in connection with the request for use and the liability and disadvantages incurred in connection with the information shall be borne by the Member.

Members must use the payment method in their own name when using taxi or transportation services, and must not use other people's payment methods arbitrarily. The Member shall be responsible for any losses and damages to the company, the rightful owner of the payment method, the electronic payment agent or the transportation service provider, etc. caused by the arbitrary use of another person's payment method.

The Member shall use a payment method that is legitimate and that the Member has the right to use when paying for the transportation fee, and the company may verify the legitimacy of the payment method. In addition, the company may suspend the use of the service until the verification of the legitimacy of the Member's payment method is completed.

The Member shall cooperate with the Company so that the Company can provide the Service safely, and if the Company discovers any violation of these Terms by the Member and requests the Member to explain the violation, the Member shall actively respond to the Company's request.

In the event of a dispute, the Member shall work in good faith to resolve the dispute, and the Member shall be liable for any damage caused to the mobile service provider or the company due to the Member's insincerity in resolving the dispute.

Members shall use coupons, Points, etc. in the manner prescribed by the Company.



Section 20: Prohibited Conduct by Members

The Company prohibits certain behaviors of its Members to enhance the reliability of the service and ensure safe transactions, and these are posted in the Prohibited Behaviors of Members.

If the Member intentionally or negligently causes damage to the Vehicle, the Rental Car Operator, or a third party while using the Service, the Member shall compensate for such damage, and the specific amount shall be as follows. However, if the Member and the Rental Car Operator separately agree on compensation, they may agree otherwise.

1. Contamination of the vehicle due to vomit or other filth in the vehicle, smoking, or the presence of pets or infants in the vehicle: the actual cost of washing the vehicle and business losses within KRW 150,000 for the transportation intermediary service of the rental car company.

2. Damage to the vehicle and its contents: the cost of restoration and business losses.
3. Refusal to disembark after arrival at the destination: fare and business losses until the time of handover at the police station, etc.
4. Business losses for the delivery of lost items after stopping the distribution when a delivery request is made after the discovery of lost items.


The Company may restrict the use of the Service, including refusal to board the Milistar, if the Member engages in any of the prohibited acts in this Article, and the Member shall bear all liability arising therefrom. If necessary, the Company may notify the relevant governmental or judicial authorities of the Member's prohibited acts.

The Company may issue warnings for any behavior deemed inappropriate by the Member, such as prohibited acts in this Article or accumulation of negative evaluations from drivers, and warnings will be sent to the email and mobile phone number registered at the time of registration. If you accumulate three warnings, you may be immediately suspended from using the Service or revoked from Membership. This regulation takes precedence over the provisions related to Membership agreement and service limitation in these Terms.



Article: 21 Limitation of Liability

The Company provides operational management of the system that brokers transactions between the Member and the Rental Vehicle Operator, and does not represent the Member or the Rental Vehicle Operator. The Member and the Rental Vehicle Operator shall be responsible for the information provided by the Member or the Rental Vehicle Operator in accordance with the transactions established between the Member and the Rental Vehicle Operator.

The Company shall not be liable for any damage caused by the Member providing his/her personal information and account (Milistar ID, login password, etc.) to others or leaking due to the Member's negligence of management, unless the Company is not at fault.

The Company does not intervene in transactions between third parties and Members connected through links, banners, etc. on the Company's service screen, and does not bear any responsibility for such transactions unless the Company is at fault.

The Company shall not be liable for any failure to use the Service due to reasons attributable to the Company's Members unless the Company is at fault.

The Company shall not be responsible for the reliability, accuracy, etc. of the information, materials, facts, etc. posted by the Member in connection with the Service unless the Company is not responsible.

If the Company is unable to provide the Service due to changes in relevant laws and regulations, natural disasters, line failures of the telecommunications carrier or similar force majeure, the Company shall be exempted from liability for providing the Service unless the Company is intentionally or grossly negligent.

The Company shall not be involved in disputes not directly related to the Member's use of the Service, and shall not be liable for theft, assault, sexual offenses, etc. including disputes between the Member and the rental car operator or between the Member and a third party, unless the Company is at fault.


Section 22: Governing Law and Jurisdiction

The laws of the Republic of Korea shall govern matters relating to these Terms and Conditions.

Any dispute between the Company and a Member shall be brought to a court of competent jurisdiction.





These Terms and Conditions shall be effective from May 8, 2024.